Published inPR DoctorTop 3 trends in the creative industry: how to attract clients in 2025?How can entrepreneurs reach their target audience, which no longer responds to traditional advertising and PR? How should they promote…4d ago4d ago
Published inPR DoctorThe Recipe for the Perfect PR TeamIn-House PR vs. PR Agency: Choosing Wisely PR is a crucial component of communication between businesses and clients. Most people agree on…Feb 24Feb 24
Published inPR DoctorHow an IT Company Can Write a Good Case StudyIt’s not enough to simply write a case study about how an IT company helped its client. It’s crucial that the story you write is not only…Feb 17Feb 17
Published inPR DoctorPR Doctor was listed among top PR and marketing agenciesPR Doctor, a communications agency, came up as the most recommended in the Saudi and the Arab Emirates marketing agencies rating according…Jan 31, 2023Jan 31, 2023
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What kind of support is available to a startup in ArmeniaLaunching a startup in Armenia is a good idea for businessmen who want to get a return on their investment. According to Forbes, this…Apr 19, 2022Apr 19, 2022
Какую поддержку может получить стартап в Армении?Запуск стартапа в Армении — хорошая идея для бизнесменов, которые хочет приумножить свои средства. По мнению Forbes, эта страна Закавказья…Mar 29, 2022Mar 29, 2022
Event PR: let everyone know about your eventOne of the most difficult tasks in PR is organizing events from scratch. Especially without star speakers and strong support from the…Mar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Топ правил продвижения мероприятий: пусть все узнают о вашем ивентеОдна из самых сложных задач в пиаре — это организация мероприятий с нуля. Особенно без звездных спикеров и сильной поддержки со стороны…Mar 5, 2022Mar 5, 2022
6 Most Common Communication mistakesIn a PR specialist’s ideal world, journalists fight with each other to write about the business he or she promotes, and reputational crises…Mar 1, 2022Mar 1, 2022